Case: Bandenspecialisten Gronsveld

Bandenspecialist Gronsveld is an established tyre service company, founded in 1998 in Gronsveld. In addition to the high quality, expertise and personal service they offer, Gronsveld is known for their customer relationships.

Together with the client, we expeditiously drew up a plan of approach. After thorough analysis, the needs of Bandenspecialisten Gronsveld became clear.  STAALWIT put everything in place for the right communication with the desired target audience. Next to the web design, STAALWIT also produced the photos, web- and SEO content needed for a strong professional presence, strengthening the relationship between the company and its clients.

Company: Bandenspecialisten Gronsveld
Client: Egid Bastiaens
Categories: Photography, Web design, Content, Social media, SEO development