Case: San Wah Maastricht
When it concerns Asian cuisine, San Wah is the place to go. Whether you want Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese or Japanese food, the San Wah team know the dishes like the back of their hand and prepare the most outstanding meals for you. Phat Dang and his employees will happily advise and help you out in finding the best products. They highly value their customer service and want you to feel welcome and appreciated.
Besides running their shop, San Wah is an active wholesaler and supplier for the hospitality industry in and outside of the Maastricht area. San Wah is an expert in Asian cuisine and, when it comes to their products, they gladly advise and help you use the right products in the right cuisine.
San Wah approached us to completely re-do their web design. We have delivered San Wah a proper product.
Company: San Wah Maastricht
Client: Phat Dang
Categories: Branding, Logo design, Corporate identity design, Web design, SEO